AccountIsDisabledThe specified account is disabled. RequestId:7a3e5cac-b01e-005b-4934-a030e0000000 Time:2025-03-28T22:58:12.8101220Z The School of Graduate and Advanced Studies | The Technical University of Kenya

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The School of Graduate and Advanced Studies

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About the Directorate

The School of Graduate and Advanced Studies (SGAS) is responsible for coordination and management of postgraduate and advanced study programmes within the university.

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The School’s Vision

The vision of the School is to ensure that high quality postgraduate curricula are developed in various disciplines, in line with the university and Commission for University Education (CUE) policy guidelines and academic standards are maintained in postgraduate teaching and research. 

Do not miss out on these unique opportunities, look out for our adverts. Application forms can be downloaded here


Post Graduate Publications

Post Graduate Funding Opportunities

Use of Library by Postgraduate Students

The University Library wishes to inform all postgraduate students and encourage them to use the available electronic resources even more than physical space in the library. There are plenty of electronic resources that are available to postgraduate students and in case some guidance is needed the students can contact the library. On the TU-K homepage, click on ‘Library’ and ‘I-Repository’.

The library is prepared to carry out training on access and use of resources including referencing among other topics. Simply the library will conduct Information Literacy to ensure independence in search, selection, access and use of relevant and appropriate resources.

On publications, the library can collaborate with the Directorate of Research and Knowledge Exchange especially in identifying the predatory journals to avoid TUK researchers falling victim to publishing in those journals. This is important because after all the publications would be in the TUK Institutional Repository. Also the Library and Directorate of Research and Knowledge Exchange, in collaboration with reputable publishers, can organize for training on how to publish.
For more information, contact the Library (Dr. Sarah Kibugi, Director-  Library and Learning Resources Services, .

Study Scholarships in The Field of Music

DAAD Master Study Scholarships 2021/2022 for All Academic Disciplines

Foreign students all nationalities are currently to apply for DAAD Study Scholarships 2021/2022 – Master for All Academic Disciplines. The scholarship programme offers you the opportunity to continue your academic education in Germany with a postgraduate course of study.

The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study for the chosen study programme (up to a maximum of 24 months). To receive further funding after the first year of study for 2-year courses, proof of academic achievements thus far should indicate that the study programme can be successfully completed within the standard period of study.

Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Funding Calls

  1. 33 PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden – Scholar Ideala
  2. 74 Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The University of Calgary, Canada – Scholar Idea
  3. 2,000 Scholarships in Germany 2021 | Fully Funded Opportunity Desk

TU-K Awarded Kshs 79 Million by the NRF-Kenya to establish Electron Microscopy Center

The Technical University of Kenya has been awarded Kshs 79,759,620 by the National Research Fund (NRF-Kenya) to establish an Electron Microscopy Center. The award certificate was presented to the University during the NRF Stakeholders workshop on 14 December, 2017 in Nairobi. The Proposal which was authored by Dr. Joab Onyango, Dr. Peter Ndangili, Dr. Austin Aluoch, Dr. Geoffrey Otieno, Dr. Clare Muhanji, Dr. Patrick Shem Musyoki and tirelessly supported by Prof. Joseph Lala, Prof. Florence Oloo and Prof. Jackson Maxwel Odote will establish the center at the Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology (DCST) in School of Physical Sciences and Technology (SPST). 

Groundwater Resources Workshop for Makueni County

The workshop titled Groundwater Resources Workshop for Makueni County Directorate of Water Staff was held at Kusyombunguo Hotel in Wote Town, Makueni County on 26/8/2016. It was attended by twenty (20) key players in the water resources sector. The resource persons included Stanley Kibe Ng’ang’a (Ph. D student in Civil Engineering, TU-K), Prof. G. Thumbi and Dr. Okwadha both of  TU-K, Prof. Nyadawa of JOOUST, Dr. Mbindyo and Engineer P. Kibetu   both of JKUAT. 


Research Collaboration between DGSE TU-K and the University of California, Global Health Institute

A visit by a Postdoctoral Researcher from the University of California Global Health Institute (UCGHI) GloCal Health Fellowship programme, Dr Amber Roegner, on a postdoctoral fellowship tenable at the Technical University of Kenya under the mentorship of Dr Lewis Sitoki, Chairman, Department of Geosciences and the Environment (DGSE). The researcher will be studying the ‘Role of Cyanobacterial Blooms and Snail Vectors in Schistosomiasis Epidemiology of Fishing Communities at Lake Victoria, Kenya between 2015 and 2016.’ This project is funded to the tune of USD $20,000.>>>Read More